
A history that has been renewing
for over 40 years

Since 1979, NCA Engineering has been designing and constructing low-environmental-impact buildings by integrating engineering solutions and innovative technologies, with a particular focus on the sustainability of the structure throughout its entire life cycle.

Today, NCA Engineering provides technical and economic services for the construction industry and intervenes wherever projects require a comprehensive vision and a strong consultative approach.

The extensive experience and the variety of project types addressed allow NCA Engineering to offer clients a qualified service and to operate in full compliance with national and international regulations and required standards.


Our investment in training

We have always been attentive to the evolution of the world of green and energy saving, by continuously training our staff on the latest technology and methods available.

2018 6%
2019 7%
2020 9%
2021 8%

NCA in figures






mq progettati


cities we’ve worked in

To join the NCA Engineering staff

send your CV with a short presentation letter (.doc or .pdf) to


If your profile is deemed interesting, we'll shortly get in touch with you.

Who we are

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