Technological development and regulatory activities are moving at a frantic pace. Keeping up with the times is the key to providing customers with effective and safe solutions.
The constant updating and ongoing training of the team make NCA Engineering a group of highly qualified professionals, capable of supporting customers even in the most complex processes.
NCA Engineering is a member of the following bodies and associations:

Il Certificato, rilasciato in data 26 novembre 1996 – e adeguato alla norma UNI-EN ISO 9001:2015 il 02 ottobre 2017 dal DNV-GL (ente riconosciuto dai maggiori organismi di accreditamento internazionali e in Italia da ACCREDIA) -, riguarda le attività di progettazione multidisciplinari e servizi economici integrati, relativi a impianti elettro-termoidraulici e sistemi connessi, direzione lavori e collaudi.
As evidence of the above principles and commitments, NCA Engineering has developed and implements a Quality System compliant with the international standard UNI EN ISO 900, certified since 1996 by a leading international body. It has identified measurable and objective goals, communicated within the organization, and periodically reviewed.
Quality Policy
NCA Engineering has extensive experience (since 1979) in the activities subject to quality certification, namely multidisciplinary design and integrated technical-economic consulting services related to electrical, thermal, and hydraulic systems and connected infrastructures, project management and site safety coordination, testing, and commissioning.
Through its collaborators, it has established itself as a solid and recognized entity capable of providing its services across the entire national territory. The correct management of business processes allows NCA Engineering to ensure the satisfaction of clients, suppliers, collaborators, and stakeholders, as well as the continuous improvement of its performance. Client and stakeholder satisfaction must be achieved by:
- Ensuring the highest level of technical and professional integrity;
- Ensuring compliance with current laws and customer values;
- Operating efficiently and profitably;
- Operating with respect and protection for collaborators, while fostering their continuous improvement;
- Assessing and monitoring business risks according to its corporate context.
As evidence of the above principles and commitments, NCA Engineering has developed and implements a Quality System compliant with the international standard UNI EN ISO 900, certified since 1996 by a leading international body. It has identified measurable and objective goals, communicated within the organization, and periodically reviewed.
Management ensures that the Company's Policy is formalized, understood, approved, implemented, and periodically reviewed. Management counts on the utmost commitment from all collaborators in pursuing company objectives and adhering to company procedures. The dissemination and application of these principles throughout the company are guaranteed by the constant commitment of Management.
The policy is made known through the website and social media and is distributed to all those working in the interest of the company (internal and external collaborators, clients, suppliers, and temporary staff), and is available to anyone who requests it.
These principles and Management's commitment are critically analysed during the management review.